Outdoor Dining Grant Program
About the Program
The Outdoor Dining Grant Program provides grant funding to eligible business-supporting nonprofit organizations, community development corporations, business improvement districts, and chambers of commerce to allocate towards outdoor infrastructure that allows restaurant activity to occur safely outdoors in preventing or mitigating the spread of the COVID-19 virus.
Funding Uses
The funds can be used to temporarily retrofit streets, sidewalks, parking spaces, alleyways, and private lots to allow people to gather safely and dine outdoors in restaurants located in the City of Pittsburgh's business districts. The activities funded through these grants will attract foot traffic to our business districts and main streets, encourage residents to dine and shop at local restaurants and retailers, and continue to support the economic recovery of the City of Pittsburgh following the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Urban Redevelopment Authority encourages organizations to submit innovative proposals for rethinking how space can be utilized for restaurant activity with your specific community's needs in mind.
Eligible Activities
- Building-out infrastructure for outdoor dining along the public right of way (or private property if site control is obtained).
- Organizations can utilize funds to purchase materials such as tents, barriers, heaters, and other supplies to allocate towards businesses in their business district.
- Organizations can utilize funding to provide their businesses with smaller grants at their discretion.
- Design/Architect fees can be paid for through this grant, however the URA will be contracting with a design, engineering, or architecture firm that will be available for on-call services throughout the duration of the program.
Important Program Dates
The program is not currently accepting applications.
How to Apply
Applicants must apply online by clicking here.
Email Jamie Piotrowski with any questions at jpiotrowski@ura.org.
Information for Current Awardees
Reimbursement Request (online)
Program Materials
Program Guidelines
Program Application
DOMI Outdoor Dining at a Glance