Neighborhood Housing Program & Housing Recovery Program-Developer
The Neighborhood Housing Program (NHP) and the Housing Recovery Program-Developer (HRP-D) are second deferred mortgage programs.
The URA provides 0 percent interest deferred second mortgages to eligible buyers to stimulate development of single-family, newly constructed or rehabilitated homes in targeted City of Pittsburgh neighborhoods. The newly constructed homes are then sold to qualified buyers through the Neighborhood Housing Program (NHP) and the rehabilitated homes are sold through the Housing Recovery Program —Developer (HRP-D). The loan does not have to be repaid until the owner sells or transfers the property (as long as the property is owner-occupied).
Second Deferred Financing
The NHP and HRP-D programs are used for homes for which the URA sponsored the construction or rehabilitation of the houses. The URA works with the developer of the homes to identify how much second mortgage funding will be available to income-eligible purchasers.
Down Payment and Closing Cost Assistance
Another great feature of this program is that the URA offers help with down payment and closing costs. Borrowers who earn 80% or less of the Area Median Income (AMI) can receive up to $7,500 for down payment and closing cost assistance in the form of a 0% interest, 5-year deferred loan, through the Housing Opportunity Fund's Down Payment & Closing Cost Assistance Program.
How to Apply
For pre-identified homes, NHP and HRP-D loans are offered in conjunction with any conventional mortgage loan provided by private lending institutions. Please refer to the "Steps in Obtaining a Second Mortgage" in the Application Materials section below.
Application Materials
Download Program Summary - English
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Download Program Summary - Swahili
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Have questions? Contact Alicia Majors, Assistant Director of Housing Support, by calling 412.255.6698 or emailing