Home Buying Assistance
We want to help you live the dream. That's why the URA is committed to making homeownership a reality for City of Pittsburgh residents.
Look to us for assistance buying a home.
Homebuyer Loans
Down Payment and Closing Cost Assistance Program
The Down Payment and Closing Cost Assistance Program (DPCCAP) provides financial assistance to eligible first-time homebuyers in the City of Pittsburgh who are interested in purchasing an existing or newly constructed home.
Neighborhood Housing Program & Housing Recovery Program-Developer
The URA provides 0 percent interest deferred second mortgages to eligible buyers to stimulate development of single-family, newly constructed or rehabilitated homes in targeted City of Pittsburgh neighborhoods. The newly constructed homes are then sold to qualified buyers through the Neighborhood Housing Program (NHP) and the rehabilitated homes are sold through the Housing Recovery Program —Developer (HRP-D).
Homes for Sale
The URA's affiliate Pittsburgh Housing Development Corporation offers a portfolio of affordable and market-rate homes for sale.