Housing Stabilization Program
A housing crisis intervention program
The Housing Stabilization Program provides one-time or short-term financial assistance to households who are facing a temporary, non-recurring housing crisis. City of Pittsburgh renters and homeowners may both receive up to $6,000 in housing assistance.
Please note, this program is currently closed and not accepting applications at this time.
Assistance Provided
- Move-in assistance, including first month’s rent, last month’s rent, and/or security deposit
- Rent
- Mortgage assistance (if not in Act 91)
Please note: The maximum total assistance for both renters and homeowners is $6,000. Applicants can apply for the program once every 3 years.
Eligibility Requirements
- Must be a renter or homeowner within City of Pittsburgh boundaries
- Renters must have income at or below 50% of the Area Median Income and homeowners must be at or below 80% of the Area Median Income. (See income limits chart below.)
This chart shows the 2024 maximum annual income limits for the Housing Stabilization Program (renters, check the 50% column on the chart and homeowners, check the 80% column).
Annual Gross Income = Total income received by the entire household, before taxes and withholdings
How to Apply
Gather Documents
Before applying for financial assistance, please gather the following documents which are required to apply:
- Proof of income: W-2, pay stubs, unemployment letter, or letter from employer
- Proof of need: Late notice or eviction notice
Apply for Move-in or Rental Assistance:
By Phone:
Call 412-248-0021 to be screened for rental or move-in assistance. Calls are free and confidential. Language translation and interpretation services are available.
By Email:
Send an email to rentalassistance@actionhousing.org.
Apply for Mortgage Assistance:
By Phone:
Call 1-866-730-2368 to be screened for mortgage assistance. Calls are free and confidential. Language translation and interpretation services are available.
In Person:
Visit 415 Seventh Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15219, which is open Monday - Thursday from 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM. If visiting in person, you should bring the documentation listed above (proof of income and proof of need). While not required, it may be helpful to also bring social security cards, birth certificates, and photo IDs for all household members, as well as a valid copy of your lease, for referrals to other programs and resources.
Program Materials
Language translation is available free of charge. Please send an email to translation@ura.org.
Additional Resources
DHS guide to help people understand where to turn for shelter, finding affordable housing, rental assistance, and eviction help across the County.
Questions? Contact Natalie Lopez, client relations program assistant, at 412-255-6694.