Home Accessibility Program for Independence
The Home Accessibility Program for Independence provides an opportunity for those with physical disabilities to remain in their homes.
This program is not currently accepting new applications. Please check back for updates.
The Home Accessibility Program for Independence (also referred to as HAPI) is a grant program intended to assist eligible homeowners and landlords to construct accessibility modifications to their homes.
Accessible modifications include, but are not limited to:
- Exterior Ramps
- Chair Gliders or Lifts
- Door Widening
- Bathroom Modifications
- Lowering Kitchen Counters
- Sliding Shelves
- Visual Door Bells
- Visual Phone Signalers
Eligible homeowners may receive a grant between $1,000 up to $15,000 for a single-unit home. Landlords may receive a grant up to $7,500 per unit.
- Proof of Disability in the form of a letter, excuse from your doctor, or a letter showing that you receive Social Security Disability
- Must fall within income guidelines and provide verification of all income, with copies of the two most recent pay stubs for each wage earner
- Deed must be in homeowner's name or proof of owner's permission to make modifications
- Copy of the latest Income Tax Returns or Non-Filing Verification Letter (1.800.829.1040)
- Verification that City and County Real Estate Taxes are paid (if available)
Income Limits
To be eligible for this program, an applicant must be at 120% of Area Median Income (AMI) or below. Please refer to the chart below, showing the maximum income limit.
How to Apply
Please download the URA Home Repair Assistance Application and submit your application to hof@ura.org.
Program Materials
Download Program Summary - English
Download Program Summary - Arabic
Download Program Summary - Chinese
Download Program Summary - Nepali
Download Program Summary - Portuguese
Download Program Summary - Russian
Download Program Summary - Spanish
Download Program Summary - Swahili
Language translation is available free of charge. Please send an email to translation@ura.org.
Have questions or need assistance? For more information, please call 412-255-6694 or email hof@ura.org.