Swisshelm Park Solar
Remediation and redevelopment of property in the Swisshelm Park neighborhood into a highly-efficient solar array project

The URA plans to remediate the site and issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) for redevelopers or redevelopment teams to enter into a long-term lease agreement and redevelop a 15-acre property in the Swisshelm Park neighborhood of the City of Pittsburgh.
The goal of this project is to remediate the site and select a redeveloper who can complete a highly-efficient solar array project and construct an access road to the site, while managing an effective community outreach strategy, encouraging ecological biodiversity, and ensuring a completed product that will complement a Frick Park Extension on the neighboring parcels.
For decades, the URA has intended to build housing on this site as the third and final phase of the Summerset at Frick Park development. This project marks a change of direction and a turn toward a cleaner energy future for the City of Pittsburgh.
Phase 1: Remediation
- Community Input Meeting (October 18, 2023)
- Pre-Invitation to Bid Community Meeting (July 29, 2024)
- Pre-Invitation to Bid Event for Contractors (August 19, 2024)
- Remediation Invitation to Bid Opens (September 30, 2024)
- Construction Management and Construction Inspection - Invitation to Bid Closes (October 30, 2024)
- Construction - Invitation to Bid Closes (November 8, 2024)
- Pre-Construction Community Meeting (January 9, 2024)
Remediation Construction Update Meeting (January 29, 2025)
- Remediation Construction Commences (Q1 2025)
Phase 2: Solar Development
- Solar Development RFP Releases (Q3 2025)
- RFP Closes (Q4 2025)
- Review Committee Shortlists Developers (Q4 2025)
- Design & Development Review Community Meeting (Q4 2025)
- Pre-Final Design Community Meeting (Q4 2025)
- Solar Construction Commences (Q2 2026)
Stay Up to Date
If you would like to be kept informed about upcoming community meetings related to this project, please contact Lilly Freedman at
Questions? Email Lilly Freedman, Manager of Development Projects, at