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Lower Hill

The 28-acre Lower Hill redevelopment will have a significant impact on the Hill District and entire Pittsburgh region. Part of this redevelopment involves transitioning land currently used as surface parking into a mix of office, retail, and housing, including the creation of a shared parking district.


The URA's current Board is committed to ensuring equitable development in the Lower Hill and beyond. The demolishing of the Lower Hill in the 1950s displaced residents and businesses from the neighborhood to construct the former Civic Arena and other urban renewal projects. The impacts of that decision are still relevant today. The redevelopment of the Lower Hill has been a contentious and arduous process. The current proposal is a mixed-income, mixed-use development that reconnects the historic Hill District to Downtown Pittsburgh.

The Hill District community reached a benchmark Community Collaboration and Implementation Plan (CCIP) agreement with the Pittsburgh Penguins, which has development rights to the Lower 28-acre site. The URA's Board wanted to see even more in the agreement directed to ensuring the work would be a development beneficial to all, and with less burden on the public. After numerous community conversations, community briefings and outreach events related to the Lower Hill, the URA heard the priorities as communicated by the Hill District to be inclusive of the following:

  • Affordable housing on the site
  • Investment in the Greater Hill development and connectivity to Lower Hill
  • Preservation of Hill District legacy through arts and culture
  • Access to well-paying jobs
  • Investments in Hill District youth and families
  • Wealth-creating business opportunities and MBE participation


Greater Hill District Neighborhood Reinvestment Fund 

The Greater Hill District Neighborhood Reinvestment Fund (GHDNRF) is a community-driven fund that takes diverted future tax revenues from the development activities on the Lower Hill site and provides funding for implementing the goals, objectives, strategies and processes in the CCIP, including investments in development projects and other community needs throughout the entire Greater Hill District.

The GHDNRF Advisory Board makes recommendations to the URA regarding which projects throughout the Lower Hill LERTA District should be funded with GHDNRF dollars. Advisory Board info and meeting videos are available via the Lower Hill LERTA & Greater Hill District Neighborhood Reinvestment Fund page. 






Current Opportunities

Pittsburgh Arena Real Estate Redevelopment LP is currently seeking information for those interested in employment, contractor, supplier, or vendor opportunities with the Lower Hill Redevelopment Team. 

Opportunities here


*These documents are projections, subject to URA Board approval, and are subject to further change.


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