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Notice: As of January 2025, the URA, in partnership with the Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh, is accepting a limited number of applications for this program.

The OwnPGH Homeownership Program (OwnPGH) provides up to $90,000 to homebuyers seeking to purchase a home within the City of Pittsburgh.

About the Program

Homebuyers may receive up to $90,000 total, in the form of a grant, for the purchase of a house within the City of Pittsburgh. The grant may be available for those with a household income of 80% of Area Median Income (AMI) or below.

Who Can Apply?

  • Individuals who pre-qualify for a home loan through one of our four bank partners; Please find contact information below for each participating bank lender.

  • Individuals who do not exceed 80% of AMI; Please view the chart below to check if your household income is within the program income limits.

  • Individuals who would like to own a property within the City of Pittsburgh; Properties outside of City of Pittsburgh limits do not qualify for OwnPGH assistance.


OwnPGH Income Limits  

This chart shows the maximum annual income limits for those interested in applying for the OwnPGH Program. Annual Gross Income = Total income received by the entire household, before taxes and withholdings

OwnPGH Bank Partners

Step 1: Please contact one of the four banks below to find out if you pre-qualify for a home loan.

Step 2: Once you confirm pre-qualification for a home loan, the bank will facilitate your application to the OwnPGH Program.

First Commonwealth Bank
Joseph Tomaceski

SSB Bank
Heather Dieckmann

Dollar Bank
Steve Kaminski

S&T Bank
David McGowan

Download Program Summary

Download Program Guidelines

Download Program Application

Understand the OwnPGH Loan Process


Language translation is available free of charge. Please send an email to

Post-Closing Services

The URA is partnering with City of Bridges Community Land Trust to provide stewardship services to all OwnPGH homebuyers. Services include, but are not limited to:

  • Service as the first point of contact in case of mortgage trouble or delinquency

  • Advocacy for and support of all OwnPGH homeowners during times of payment difficulty, under-employment, or unemployment to ensure that they remain stable

  • Provision of staff support and legal representation for any required tax assessment appeal hearings

  • Referrals to additional resources as may be required (Examples: housing assistance, employment resources, job training, etc.)

  • Monitoring and oversight of all OwnPGH deed restrictions, including an annual proof of residency check to ensure that homes are occupied in the manner required by OwnPGH


To contact City of Bridges regarding any post-closing services you may need, please email


Our Partners

Additional Homebuying Assistance

First-time homebuyers making less than 80% of the AMI may be eligible to receive up to $7,500 for down payment and closing costs in the form of a 0% interest, 5-year deferred loan.


Have questions? For more information about the OwnPGH Homeownership Program, please call 412-255-6694, ext. 6721or email

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